2. C.V.


Dr. Vittorio Bufacchi
Department of Philosophy
University College Cork
Cork, Ireland


1994 Ph.D. The London School of Economics
Supervisor: Professor Brian Barry
1989 M.Sc. The London School of Economics
1988 B.A. University of Sussex (1st Class Honours Degree)


1999 – present: Department of Philosophy,
University College Cork, Ireland

2005: Visiting Scholar, Dartmouth College, USA, Department of Political Science
(Spring Semester)

2004: Visiting Scholar, University of Colorado, Department of Philosophy
(Fall Semester) Boulder, USA

1998-99: University College Dublin, Ireland, Department of Politics

1997-98: Olmsted Visiting Professor, Yale University, Department of Political Science
(Full Year) USA

1994-97: University of Manchester, England, Department of Government



2023 Why Cicero Matters, London: Bloomsbury.

2021 Everything Must Change: Philosophical Lessons from
, Manchester University Press.

2012 Social Injustice: Essays in Political Philosophy, Palgrave.

(Chinese translation, 2019)

2007 Violence and Social Justice, Palgrave.

1997 Italy Since 1989 (with Simon Burgess), Palgrave.

(Italian translation, L’Italia Contesa, Rome: Carocci 2002)


2011 Rethinking Violence (ed.), Routledge.

2009 Violence: A Philosophical Anthology (ed.), Palgrave.

1995 Democracy and Constitutional Culture in the Union of Europe (co-edited with R.Bellamy and D.Castiglione) Lothian Foundation Press.

I’m commissioning editor of the Palgrave Philosophy Today book series.


2025 “Arendt on Lying and Post-Truth” (with Giulia Bistagnini), in H.Prector (ed.) Elgar Handbook on Hannah Arendt, London: Edward Elgar. Forthcoming.

2025      “Anchoring Human Rights”, in Jesse Tomalty; Kerri Woods (eds). Routledge Handbook for the Philosophy of Human Rights. London: Routledge. Forthcoming.

2024 “Liberalism and Structural Injustice: When the Solution Becomes the Problem”, in Duncan Ivison (eds). Research Handbook on Liberalism. London: Edward Elgar.

2023 “War Crimes in Ukraine: is Putin Responsible?”, Journal of Political Power, Vol.16, No.1.

2022 “Violence and Social (In)Justice: An Interview with Vittorio Bufacchi”, in Making Sense of Radicalization and Violent Extremism: Interviews and Conversations, Edited By Mitja Sardoč, London: Routledge.

2022 “Three Questions About Violence”, Washington University Review of Philosophy, Vol.2.

2022 “COVID-19 and social injustice”, with Byrne, Ellen, Gottfried Schweiger (eds). The Global and Social Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Ethical and Philosophical Reflection. Berlin: Springer.

2021 “Keeping Human Rights Out of Poverty”, in Suzanne Egan and Anna Chadwick (eds.) Poverty and Human Rights: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 2021.

2021 “Truth, Lies and Tweets: A Consensus Theory of Post-Truth”, Philosophy & Social Criticism, Vol 47, Issue 3, 2021.

2021 “Philosophy of education in a new key: On radicalization and violent extremism”, Sardoc, M ;Coady, CAJ ;Bufacchi, V; Moghaddam, FM; Cassam, Q; Silva, D; Miscevic, N; Andrejc, G;Kodelja, Z; Vezjak, B; Peters, MA; Tesar, M, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol.54, No.6.

2020 “Justice as Non-Maleficence”, Theoria, Vol.67, No.162.

2020 “Ireland After the Celtic Tiger”, in C.Fischer and A.Mahon (eds.) Philosophical Perspectives on Contemporary Ireland, London: Routledge.

2019 “Violence and social (in)justice: An Interview with Vittorio Bufacchi”, (with Mitja Sardoč), Theory and Research in Education, Vol.17, Issue 3

2018 “Due Concezioni di Violenza”, Logoi: Rivista di Filosofia, Vol.11, N. IV, pp.22-33

2018 “Victims, Their Stories, and Our Rights”, Metaphilosophy, Vol. 49, No,1-2.

2018 “Theoretical Foundations of Human Rights”, Political Studies, Volume 66, Issue 3, pp: 601-617.

2017 “Colonialism, Injustice and Arbitrariness”, Journal of Social Philosophy, Vol.48, No.2, pp.:197-211.

2017 “Love in the Time of Epistemic Injustice”, in Mimi Marinucci (ed.), Jane Austen and Philosophy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

2017 “Hens, Ducks, and Human Rights in China” (with Xiao Ouyang), Philosophy Now, Issue 118.

2017 “Democratic Justice and Contractarian Injustice”, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Volume 20, Issue 2, pp.222-230.

2017 “Conflitti Difficilmente Gestibili e i Limiti della Giustizia come Interazione”, (with S.Mocchi), Notizie di Politeia, Vol.128.

2016 “The Ripples of Violence”, (with Jools Gilson), Feminist Review, (112), pp.27-40.

2016 “Territory, Rights, and Historical Injustice”, Philosophy and Public Issues, Vol. 6, No. 2.

2016 “Conocer la Violencia: Testimonio, Confianza y Veridad”, in A.Aguirre, A.Nochebuena and M.G. Aguilar (eds.) Estudios Para la No Violencia 2, 3 Norte Afinita Editorial: Mexico

2015 “The Global Luxuries Tax” (with T.Mawe), in Gottfried Schweiger (eds), Philosophical Explorations of Justice and Taxation: National and Global. Berlin: Springer

2015 “Dos Conceptos de Violencia”, in A.Aguirre and A. Nochebuena (eds.) Estudios Para la No-Violencia, Mexico: 3 Norte Afinita Editorial.

2013 Guest Editor of Revue Internationale de Philosophie for a Special Issue on ‘Philosophy and Violence’, Vol.67, No.3, 2013

2013 “Knowing Violence: Testimony, Trust and Truth”, Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Vol.67, No.3, 2013

2013 “Violence” and “Torture” in International Encyclopaedia of Ethics, 11 volumes, Blackwell, H.LaFollette (editor).

2012 “Ethical Decision Making and Decision Support Systems in Public Procurement – A Theoretical Discussion” (with Csaba Csaki, Eric Prier, and Frederic Adam), Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, Vol.13, No.3.

2009 “Not Making Exception: A Response to Henry Shue”, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol.26, Issue 3.

2009 “Rethinking Violence”, Global Crime, Vol.10, Issue 4, November.

2008 “The Truth About Rights”, Journal of Human Rights, Vol.7, No.4.

2008 “Why Political Philosophy Matters”, European Journal of Political Theory, Vol.7, No.2, 2008.

2006 “Torture, Terrorism and the State: A Refutation of the Ticking-Bomb Argument”, with Jean Maria Arrigo, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol.23, No.3, 2006, pp. 339-357.
– Reprinted in D.Rodin (ed.) War, Torture and Terrorism, Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.

2006 “Violence by Omission”, in F. O’Murchadha (ed.) Violence, Victims, Justifications, London: Peter Lang, 2006, pp.95-114.

2005 “Motivating Justice”, Contemporary Political Theory, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2005, pp.25-41

2005 “Two Concepts of Violence”, Political Studies Review, Vol. 3, April 2005, pp.193-204

2004 “Why Is Violence Bad?”, American Philosophical Quarterly. Vol.41, No.2, April 2004, pp.169-180.

2004 “Empirical Philosophy: Theory and Practice”, International Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol.18, No.1, Spring 2004, pp.39-52.

2003 “Political Scepticism: A Reply to the Critics”, Politics, Vol.23, No.2, pp.137-140.

2003 “Justice, Equality, Liberty”, in R.Axtmann (ed.) Understanding Democratic Politics: An Introduction, London: Sage, pp.31-40.

2002 “The Injustice of Exploitation”, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Vol.5, No.1, 1-15.

2001 “Voting, Reputation and Rationality”, Political Studies, Vol.49, No.4, pp.714-729.

2001 “Sceptical Democracy”, Politics, Vol.21, No.1, pp.23-30.

2001 “Execution as Torture” (with Laura Fairrie), Peace Review, Vol.13, No.4, pp.511-518.

Reprinted as “The Death Penalty is Cruel and Unusual Punishment” in Lauri S. Friedman (ed.) The Death Penalty, Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006, pp.32-39.

1999 “The Enlightenment, Contractualism, and the Moral Polity”, in N.Geras and R.Wokler (eds.) The Enlightenment and Modernity, Basingstoke: Macmillan.

1998 “Reasonable Agreement: A Defence” Imprints, Vol.2, No.3.

1995 “Social Justice in Europe: An Evaluation of European Regional Policy” (with Shari Garmise), Government and Opposition, Vol.30, No.2.


2024 “Israel’s killing of innocent civilians in Gaza may not have been intended — but it was foreseeable”, Irish Examiner, April 14, 2024.
2024 “Is ‘weathervane’ Fine Gael really able to bring the wind of change under Harris?”, Irish Examiner, March 28, 2024.
2024 “We must first understand genocide to determine if it is happening”, Irish Examiner, 15 February 2024.
2023 “Understanding the philosophy of the far-right”, Irish Examiner, December 5, 2023.
2023 “Forget Caesar! Why we need to listen to Cicero”, RTÉ Brainstorm, October 24, 2023.
2023 “Perils of Ireland’s dependence on multinationals for tax revenue and employment”, Irish Examiner, January 10, 2023.
2023 “Friends may have succeeded where many philosophers have failed”, Irish Examiner, November 6, 2023.
2023 “Thousands have not paid the TV licence. Is it civil disobedience or opportunism?”, Irish Examiner, Irish Examiner, July 18, 2023.
2022 “Mandatory vaccination not the same as compulsory”, The Irish Times, 12 January 2022
2022 “Sex, Lies, and Berlusconi’s political legacy”, Irish Examiner, March 6 2022.
2022 “Pride and prejudice, Italian style”, Irish Examiner,
2021 “Vicky Phelan and the right of terminally ill people to end their suffering”, The Irish Examiner, 7 December 2021
2021 “The myth of private responsibility laid bare by political philosophy”, Irish Examiner, 15 November 2021
2021 “Facebook: Virtual or Virtueless reality?”, Irish Examiner, 22 October 2021
2021 “Afghanistan: Clear case of how humanitarian intervention can morph into military control” (with Tim Mawe), Irish Examiner, 27 August 2021.
2021 “Philosophical lessons from lockdown: Why everything must change”, Irish Examiner, 8 June, 2021.
2021 “‘I can’t breathe!’ – but this time, it’s India” (with Urmi Bhattacharyya), The Loop: ECPR Political Science Blog, May 2021.
2021 “Ireland’s complex relationship with shame”, RTÉ Brainstorm, 14 January 2021
2021 “How the US Capitol mob riots have put democracy under attack”, RTÉ Brainstorm, 7 January 2021
2020 “How I became disillusioned with the UK and fell for Ireland instead”, RTÉ Brainstorm, 18 November 2020.
2020 “The end of Trump? It’s only the beginning”, RTÉ Brainstorm, 5 November 2020
2020 “Ethics and the virus: ‘nothing spoils mighty craic like ethics’”, RTÉ Brainstorm, 30 September 2020
2020 “The risk of sexual violence in schools and universities is so widespread as to be similar to a pandemic”, Irish Examiner, 27 August 2020
2020 “How coronavirus exposed our society’s inherent ageism”, New Statesman, 19 May, 2020.
2020 “What’s the difference between lies and post-truth in politics? A philosopher explains”, The Conversation, UK, January 24, 2020.
2020 “Coronavirus: it feels like we are sliding into a period of unrest, but political philosophy offers hope”, The Conversation, UK, April 29, 2020.
2020 “Lord of the Flies real-life story shows how humans are hard-wired to help each other – philosopher explains”, The Conversation, UK, May 12, 2020.
2019 “Desperate victims of neo-liberalism where everything has a price”, Irish Examiner, 28 October 2019.
2019 “Boris Johnson may be a joke, but he will have the last laugh”, RTÉ Brainstorm, 26 June 2019.
2019 “Will Italy Bring Down the EU?”, RTÉ Brainstorm, 21 May 2019.
2019 “We’re fed up of Brexit, yet we can’t get enough of it”, RTÉ Brainstorm, 13 April 2019.
2019 “There’s Something About AOC”, RTÉ Brainstorm, 5 April 2019.
2019 “Here’s the moral case for a second Brexit referendum”, RTÉ Brainstorm, 25 February 2019.
2019 “The Philosophy Behind Ireland’s Housing Crisis”, RTÉ Brainstorm, January 7 2019.
2018 “In praise of the political U-turn” (an interview with V.Bufacchi), The Irish Times, February 13, 2018.
2018 “What Galileo can teach us about Brexit”, RTÉ Brainstorm, January 31, 2018.
2017 “The surreal presidency of Donald Trump”. RTÉ Brainstorm, November 23, 2017.
2017 “The rebirth of socialism”, RTÉ Brainstorm, October 11, 2017.
2017 “How to stop America’s cycle of carnage”. The Irish Times, October 2, 2017.
2017 “From ancient Rome to Washington, DC: Lessons for Donald Trump”, Irish Examiner, May 26, 2017.
2017 “Pay caps are neither economically crazy nor morally wrong”. The Irish Times, January 12, 2017.
2013 “Berlusconi will be fondly remembered only for his antics and playacting”. The Irish Times, November 29, 2013.
2013 “Immigration into EU is a matter of human concern not just economics”. The Irish Times, October 16, 2013.
2012 “Fourth ‘R’ should have place in schools”. The Irish Times, October 22, 2012.
2012 “Dame Street eviction gives Occupy chance to stay relevant”. The Irish Times, March 15, 2012.
2011 “Occupy movement’s peaceful assault is proper but worse injustices also demand action”. The Irish Times, November 10, 2011.
2009 “The Crime of Inaction”. The Guardian, November 27, 2009.


2024 Keynote address: “Violenza Strutturale e Ingiustizia Strutturale”, Associazione Italiana Filosofia Politica, Salerno, Italy, 27-28 September.
2018 Keynote address: “Is Autonomy the Ricotta Cheese of Modern Society?”, interdisciplinary conference on ‘Autonomy’, Limerick 20 and 21 April 2018.
2016 Keynote address: “La Idea de Injusticia Social” [in Spanish], keynote addresss to the Asociacion Espanola de Filosofia Politioca Y Morale, Cordoba (Spain) 13-15 January, 2016.
2012 “Vice Ethics”, Workshop on: ‘On Vice: Political Ethics and Moral Conflict Conference’, University of Leeds, UK, 13 December 2012 – 14 December 2012, forthcoming.
2011 “The Epistemology of Injustice: A Case Study in Naturalized Moral Epistemology”, Workshop on Naturalized Moral Epistemology, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, Oslo (Norway) June 9-11, 2011.
2010 “Between Hobbes and Marx: Putting Brian Barry in Context”, A Symposium on Brian Barry, Columbia University, 19 May 2010.
2010 “A Deflationary Theory of Human Rights”, Human Rights and Political Theory Conference, UCD, Dublin 23 April 2010
2005 “Torture Interrogation of Terrorists: A Refutation”, Dartmouth College, USA, 12 April, 2005.
2004 “Two Concepts of Violence”, University of Boulder, Colorado, USA, 10 September, 2004.
2003 “A Theory of Violence”, University of Manchester, UK, 26 November 2003.
2003 “Is Globalization Bad For Women? The Case Of Maya Women In Guatemala”, Faculty of Law, UCC (3rd Year International Law Class), 18 May 2003.
2003 “Four Faces of Violence”, UCD, 31 January 2003
2003 “Violence, Volition and Victims”, NUI Galway, 6 March 2003
2002 “Violence: A Philosophical Investigation”, The Gaudino Lecture, Williams College, USA, 28 September 2002.
2002 “The Four Faces of Violence”, London School of Economics, UK, Department of Government, 22 October 2002.
2002 “Italian Politics Today”, Department of History, UCC (4th Year European Studies Class), 17 December 2002
2002 “The Injustice of Exploitation: Lessons from Guatemala”, Department of Hispanic Studies, UCC, 13 December, 2002
2002 “Philosophy and Social Work: Philosophical Imagination and its Relevance to the Discipline of Social Work” (with Dr. Tony O’Connor), Department of Applied Social Studies, UCC (Master in Social Work), 7 January, 2002.
2001 “Motivating Justice”, Trinity College Dublin, October 2001.
2001 “Motivating Justice”, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, 10 April 2001.
2001 “Exploitation: A Study in Motivations”, NUI Galway, 26 September 2001.
2001 “The Centre-Right Coalition on Trial (For ‘Speech-Acts’ Against Liberal Democracy)”, Department of Italian, UCC, December 19, 2001.
